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A derivative is a gist of calculus and its working is to check the sensitivity to a difference in the result with respect to a change in its given value. For example, the derivative of the position of the object which is in motion with respect to time is the velocity...
Best online math tutor Online tutoring websites are getting more popular than any other means of learning. Did you search for tutors that are perfect for the kid and help them to perform well and improve their grades? Then you are at the right place to find the best...
Online tutoring or traditional tutoring? Are you looking for the best strategy for learning? Then you are at the right place. After reading the article, you can choose the best for your kids. It’s time for back to school after the summer break, and everyone is...
Supporting your child’s education at home Keep education going – Supporting your child at home. By Shafqat Khattak, Science and English Trainer For most children, the home is a place of relaxation and an opportunity to switch off from school. We all know how tricky it...