Lesson Plan

Math Lesson Plan for Year 2


For Autumn (September, October, November)

For September

Year – 2

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(Sept)

1 Counting and number patterns

(1. Counting review – up to 10

2. Count to fill a ten frame)

1 Counting and number patterns

(1. Counting review – up to 10

2. Count to fill a ten frame

3. Counting review – up to 20

4. Count on ten frames – up to 40)

1 Counting and number patterns

(1. Counting review – up to 10

2. Count to fill a ten frame

3. Counting review – up to 20

4. Count on ten frames – up to 40

5. Counting by tens – up to 100

6. Counting – up to 100)

1 Counting and number patterns

(1. Counting review – up to 10

2. Count to fill a ten frame

3. Counting review – up to 20

4. Count on ten frames – up to 40

5. Counting by tens – up to 100

6. Counting – up to 100


Counting forward and backward

8. Number lines – up to 100,…. etc)

2nd Week(Sept)

1 Place values

(1. Counting tens and ones – up to 30)

1 Place values

(1. Counting tens and ones – up to 30

2. Counting tens and ones – up to 99)

1 Place values

(1. Counting tens and ones – up to 30

2. Counting tens and ones – up to 99

3. Place value models – tens and ones)

1 Place values

(1. Counting tens and ones – up to 30

2. Counting tens and ones – up to 99

3. Place value models – tens and ones

4. Identify a digit – tens and ones


3rd Week(Sept)

1 Understand addition

(1. Adding zero

2. Add with pictures – sums up to 10)

2 Addition skill builders

(1. Adding with digit 1

2. Adding with digit 2)

1 Understand addition

(1. Adding zero

2. Add with pictures – sums up to 10

3. Addition sentences up to 10: which model matches?

4. Addition sentences up to 10: what does the model show?)

2 Addition skill builders

(1. Adding with digit 1

2. Adding with digit 2

3. Adding with digit 3

4. Adding with digit 4)

1 Understand addition

(1. Adding zero

2. Add with pictures – sums up to 10

3. Addition sentences up to 10: which model matches?

4. Addition sentences up to 10: what does the model show?

5. Addition sentences using number lines – sums up to 10

6. Turn words into an addition sentence – sums up to 10)

2 Addition skill builders

(1. Adding with digit 1

2. Adding with digit 2

3. Adding with digit 3

4. Adding with digit 4

5. Adding with digit 5

6. Adding with digit 6)

1 Understand addition

(1. Adding zero

2. Add with pictures – sums up to 10

3. Addition sentences up to 10: which model matches?

4. Addition sentences up to 10: what does the model show?

5. Addition sentences using number lines – sums up to 10

6. Turn words into an addition sentence – sums up to 10

7. Add with pictures – sums up to 20

8. Addition sentences up to 20: what does the model show?,……etc)

2 Addition skill builders

(1. Adding with digit 1

2. Adding with digit 2

3. Adding with digit 3

4. Adding with digit 4

5. Adding with digit 5

6. Adding with digit 6

7. Adding with digit 7

8. Adding with digit 8)

4th Week(Sept)





For October

Year – 2

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(Oct)

1 Addition

(1. Addition facts – sums up to 10

2. Make a number using addition – sums up to 10)

1 Addition

(1. Addition facts – sums up to 10

2. Make a number using addition – sums up to 10

3. Ways to make a number – addition sentences

4. Complete the addition sentence – sums up to 10)

1 Addition

(1. Addition facts – sums up to 10

2. Make a number using addition – sums up to 10

3. Ways to make a number – addition sentences

4. Complete the addition sentence – sums up to 10

5. Addition word problems – sums up to 10

6. Addition sentences for word problems – sums up to 10)

1 Addition

(1. Addition facts – sums up to 10

2. Make a number using addition – sums up to 10

3. Ways to make a number – addition sentences

4. Complete the addition sentence – sums up to 10

5. Addition word problems – sums up to 10

6. Addition sentences for word problems – sums up to 10

7. Addition sentences using number lines – sums up to 20

8. Addition facts – sums up to 20,……. etc)

2nd Week(Oct)

1 Addition strategies

(1. Add doubles with models

2. Add doubles)

1 Addition strategies

(1. Add doubles with models

2. Add doubles

3. Add doubles – complete the sentence

4. Add using doubles plus one)

1 Addition strategies

(1. Add doubles with models

2. Add doubles

3. Add doubles – complete the sentence

4. Add using doubles plus one

5. Add using doubles minus one

6. Add three numbers – use doubles)

1 Addition strategies

(1. Add doubles with models

2. Add doubles

3. Add doubles – complete the sentence

4. Add using doubles plus one

5. Add using doubles minus one

6. Add three numbers – use doubles

7. Complete the addition sentence – make ten

8. Add three numbers – make ten,…..etc)

3rd Week(Oct)

1 Understand subtraction

(1. Subtract zero and all

2. Subtract with pictures – numbers up to 10)

1 Understand subtraction

(1. Subtract zero and all

2. Subtract with pictures – numbers up to 10

3. Subtraction sentences up to 10: which model matches?

4. Subtraction sentences up to 10: what does the model show?)

1 Understand subtraction

(1. Subtract zero and all

2. Subtract with pictures – numbers up to 10

3. Subtraction sentences up to 10: which model matches?

4. Subtraction sentences up to 10: what does the model show?

5. Subtraction sentences using number lines – numbers up to 10

6. Turn words into a subtraction sentence – numbers up to 10)

1 Understand subtraction

(1. Subtract zero and all

2. Subtract with pictures – numbers up to 10

3. Subtraction sentences up to 10: which model matches?

4. Subtraction sentences up to 10: what does the model show?

5. Subtraction sentences using number lines – numbers up to 10

6. Turn words into a subtraction sentence – numbers up to 10

7. Subtract with pictures – numbers up to 20

8. Subtraction sentences up to 20: what does the model show?,……etc)

4th Week(Oct)





For November

Year – 2

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(Nov)

1 Subtraction skill builders

(1. Subtracting with digit 1

2. Subtracting with digit 2)

1 Subtraction skill builders

(1. Subtracting with digit 1

2. Subtracting with digit 2

3. Subtracting with digit 3

4. Subtracting with digit 4)

1 Subtraction skill builders

(1. Subtracting with digit 1

2. Subtracting with digit 2

3. Subtracting with digit 3

4. Subtracting with digit 4

5. Subtracting with digit 5

6. Subtracting with digit 6)

1 Subtraction skill builders

(1. Subtracting with digit 1

2. Subtracting with digit 2

3. Subtracting with digit 3

4. Subtracting with digit 4

5. Subtracting with digit 5

6. Subtracting with digit 6

7. Subtracting with digit 7

8. Subtracting with digit 8,……. etc)

2nd Week(Nov)

1 Subtraction

(1. Subtraction facts – numbers up to 10

2. Ways to make a number – subtraction sentences)

1 Subtraction

(1. Subtraction facts – numbers up to 10

2. Ways to make a number – subtraction sentences

3. Ways to subtract from a number – subtraction sentences

4. Make a number using subtraction – numbers up to 10)

1 Subtraction

(1. Subtraction facts – numbers up to 10

2. Ways to make a number – subtraction sentences

3. Ways to subtract from a number – subtraction sentences

4. Make a number using subtraction – numbers up to 10

5. Complete the subtraction sentence – numbers up to 10

6. Subtraction word problems – numbers up to 10)

1 Subtraction

(1. Subtraction facts – numbers up to 10

2. Ways to make a number – subtraction sentences

3. Ways to subtract from a number – subtraction sentences

4. Make a number using subtraction – numbers up to 10

5. Complete the subtraction sentence – numbers up to 10

6. Subtraction word problems – numbers up to 10

7. Subtraction sentences for word problems – numbers up to 10

8. Subtraction facts – numbers up to 20,…..etc)

3rd Week(Nov)

1 Subtraction strategies

(1. Relate addition and subtraction sentences)

1 Subtraction strategies

(1. Relate addition and subtraction sentences

2. Subtract by counting on – up to 20)

1 Subtraction strategies

(1. Relate addition and subtraction sentences

2. Subtract by counting on – up to 20

3. Subtract doubles)

1 Subtraction strategies

(1. Relate addition and subtraction sentences

2. Subtract by counting on – up to 20

3. Subtract doubles

4. Subtract multiples of 10,…..etc)

4th Week(Nov)





For Spring (March, April,May)

For March

Year – 2

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(March)

1 Understand multiplication

(1. Count equal groups

2. Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups)

1 Understand multiplication

(1. Count equal groups

2. Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

3. Write multiplication sentences for equal groups

4. Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups)

1 Understand multiplication

(1. Count equal groups

2. Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

3. Write multiplication sentences for equal groups

4. Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups

5. Identify multiplication expressions for arrays

6. Write multiplication sentences for arrays)

1 Understand multiplication

(1. Count equal groups

2. Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

3. Write multiplication sentences for equal groups

4. Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups

5. Identify multiplication expressions for arrays

6. Write multiplication sentences for arrays

7. Make arrays to model multiplication

8. Write two multiplication sentences for an array,….etc)

2nd Week(March)

1 Multiplication

(1. Multiply by digit 2

2. Multiply by digit 3)

1 Multiplication

(1. Multiply by digit 2

2. Multiply by digit 3

3. Multiply by digit 4

4. Multiply by digit 5)

1 Multiplication

(1. Multiply by digit 2

2. Multiply by digit 3

3. Multiply by digit 4

4. Multiply by digit 5

5. Multiplication tables up to 5

6. Multiply by 10)

1 Multiplication

(1. Multiply by digit 2

2. Multiply by digit 3

3. Multiply by digit 4

4. Multiply by digit 5

5. Multiplication tables up to 5

6. Multiply by 10)

7. Multiplication facts for 2, 5, 10

8. Multiplication facts for 2, 5, 10: true or false?


3rd Week(March)

1 Understand division

(1. Divide by counting equal groups)

1 Understand division

(1. Divide by counting equal groups

2. Write division sentences for equal groups)

1 Understand division

(1. Divide by counting equal groups

2. Write division sentences for equal groups

3. Relate multiplication and division for equal groups)

1 Understand division

(1. Divide by counting equal groups

2. Write division sentences for equal groups

3. Relate multiplication and division for equal groups

4. Write division sentences for arrays,….etc) 

4th Week(March)





For April

Year – 2

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(April)

1 Division

(1. Divide by digit 2

2. Divide by digit 3)

1 Division

(1. Divide by digit 2

2. Divide by digit 3

3. Divide by digit 4

4. Divide by digit 5)

1 Division

(1. Divide by digit 2

2. Divide by digit 3

3. Divide by digit 4

4. Divide by digit 5

5. Divisors and quotients up to 5

6. Divide by digit 10)

1 Division

(1. Divide by digit 2

2. Divide by digit 3

3. Divide by digit 4

4. Divide by digit 5

5. Divisors and quotients up to 5

6. Divide by digit 10

7. Division facts for 2, 5, 10

8. Division facts for 2, 5, 10: true or false?,….etc)

2nd Week(April)

1 Mixed operations

(1. Addition and subtraction – ways to make a number

2. Which sign makes the number sentence true?)

1 Mixed operations

(1. Addition and subtraction – ways to make a number

2. Which sign makes the number sentence true?

3. Fact families

4. Addition and subtraction facts – numbers up to 10)

1 Mixed operations

(1. Addition and subtraction – ways to make a number

2. Which sign makes the number sentence true?

3. Fact families

4. Addition and subtraction facts – numbers up to 10

5. Addition and subtraction facts – numbers up to 20

6. Addition and subtraction word problems – numbers up to 20)

1 Mixed operations

(1. Addition and subtraction – ways to make a number

2. Which sign makes the number sentence true?

3. Fact families

4. Addition and subtraction facts – numbers up to 10

5. Addition and subtraction facts – numbers up to 20

6. Addition and subtraction word problems – numbers up to 20

7. Ten more or less

8. Add and subtract tens,….etc)

3rd Week(April)

1 Comparing

(1. Comparing – review)

1 Comparing

(1. Comparing – review

2. Compare numbers up to 10 using words)

1 Comparing

(1. Comparing – review

2. Compare numbers up to 10 using words

3. Compare numbers up to 10 using symbols)

1 Comparing

(1. Comparing – review

2. Compare numbers up to 10 using words

3. Compare numbers up to 10 using symbols

4. Compare numbers up to 100 using words,…..etc)

4th Week(April)





For May

Year – 2

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(May)

1 Estimation

(1. Estimate to the nearest ten)

1 Estimation

(1. Estimate to the nearest ten)

1 Estimation

(1. Estimate to the nearest ten)

1 Estimation

(1. Estimate to the nearest ten)

2nd Week(May)

1 Fractions

(1. Equal parts

2. Halves and quarters)

1 Fractions

(1. Equal parts

2. Halves and quarters

3. Halves, thirds and quarters

4. Halves, thirds and quarters: what fraction does the shape show?)

1 Fractions

(1. Equal parts

2. Halves and quarters

3. Halves, thirds and quarters

4. Halves, thirds and quarters: what fraction does the shape show?

5. Halves, thirds and quarters: which shape matches the fraction?

6. Halves, thirds and quarters: parts of a group)

1 Fractions

(1. Equal parts

2. Halves and quarters

3. Halves, thirds and quarters

4. Halves, thirds and quarters: what fraction does the shape show?

5. Halves, thirds and quarters: which shape matches the fraction?

6. Halves, thirds and quarters: parts of a group

7. Halves, thirds and quarters of number lines

8. Halves, thirds and quarters of a whole: modelling word problems,….etc)

3rd Week(May)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Name the two-dimensional shape

2. Select two-dimensional shapes)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Name the two-dimensional shape

2. Select two-dimensional shapes

3. Count sides and vertices

4. Compare sides and vertices)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Name the two-dimensional shape

2. Select two-dimensional shapes

3. Count sides and vertices

4. Compare sides and vertices

5. Equal sides

6. Open and closed shapes)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Name the two-dimensional shape

2. Select two-dimensional shapes

3. Count sides and vertices

4. Compare sides and vertices

5. Equal sides

6. Open and closed shapes

7. Symmetry

8. Compose two-dimensional shapes,…..etc)

4th Week(May)





For Summer (June,July,August)

For June

Year – 2

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(June)

1 Three-dimensional shapes

(1. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes

2. Name the three-dimensional shape)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes

2. Name the three-dimensional shape

3. Select three-dimensional shapes

4. Count vertices, edges and faces)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes

2. Name the three-dimensional shape

3. Select three-dimensional shapes

4. Count vertices, edges and faces

5. Compare vertices, edges and faces

6. Identify shapes traced from solids)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes

2. Name the three-dimensional shape

3. Select three-dimensional shapes

4. Count vertices, edges and faces

5. Compare vertices, edges and faces

6. Identify shapes traced from solids

7. Identify faces of three-dimensional shapes

8. Shapes of everyday objects I,….etc)

2nd Week(June)

1 Spatial sense

(1. Left, middle and right)

1 Spatial sense

(1. Left, middle and right

2. Top, middle and bottom)

1 Spatial sense

(1. Left, middle and right

2. Top, middle and bottom

3. Location in a grid)

1 Spatial sense

(1. Left, middle and right

2. Top, middle and bottom

3. Location in a grid

4. Above and below,….etc)

3rd Week(June)

1 Data and graphs

(1. Which tally chart is correct?

2. Interpret tally charts)

1 Data and graphs

(1. Which tally chart is correct?

2. Interpret tally charts

3. Which table is correct?

4. Interpret data in tables)

1 Data and graphs

(1. Which tally chart is correct?

2. Interpret tally charts

3. Which table is correct?

4. Interpret data in tables

5. Interpret pictograms I

6. Interpret pictograms II)

1 Data and graphs

(1. Which tally chart is correct?

2. Interpret tally charts

3. Which table is correct?

4. Interpret data in tables

5. Interpret pictograms I

6. Interpret pictograms II)

7. Create pictograms I

8. Create pictograms II,…..etc)

4th Week(June)





For July

Year – 2

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(July)

1 Measurement

(1. Long and short

2. Tall and short)

1 Measurement

(1. Long and short

2. Tall and short

3. Light and heavy

4. Holds more or less)

1 Measurement

(1. Long and short

2. Tall and short

3. Light and heavy

4. Holds more or less

5. Compare size, weight and capacity

6. Measure using objects)

1 Measurement

(1. Long and short

2. Tall and short

3. Light and heavy

4. Holds more or less

5. Compare size, weight and capacity

6. Measure using objects

7. Read a thermometer

8. Measure using a centimeter ruler,…etc)

2nd Week(July)

1 Money

(1. Coin values

2. Count 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins)

1 Money

(1. Coin values

2. Count 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins

3. Count all coins

4. Count coins and notes – up to £20 note)

1 Money

(1. Coin values

2. Count 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins

3. Count all coins

4. Count coins and notes – up to £20 note

5. Equivalent groups of coins

6. Exchanging coins)

1 Money

(1. Coin values

2. Count 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins

3. Count all coins

4. Count coins and notes – up to £20 note

5. Equivalent groups of coins

6. Exchanging coins

7. Money – word problems

8. Least number of coins,….etc)

3rd Week(July)

1 Patterns

(1. Introduction to patterns)

1 Patterns

(1. Introduction to patterns

2. Find the next shape in a pattern)

1 Patterns

(1. Introduction to patterns

2. Find the next shape in a pattern

3. Complete a pattern)

1 Patterns

(1. Introduction to patterns

2. Find the next shape in a pattern

3. Complete a pattern

4. Make a pattern,….etc)

4th Week(July)





For August

Year – 2

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(August)

1 Probability

(1. More, less and equally likely)

1 Probability

(1. More, less and equally likely)

1 Probability

(1. More, less and equally likely)

1 Probability

(1. More, less and equally likely

2. Certain, probable, unlikely and impossible)

2nd Week(August)

1 Sorting, ordering and classifying

(1. Classify and sort by shape)

1 Sorting, ordering and classifying

(1. Classify and sort by shape

2. Classify, sort and count)

1 Sorting, ordering and classifying

(1. Classify and sort by shape

2. Classify, sort and count

3. Count shapes in a Venn diagram)

1 Sorting, ordering and classifying

(1. Classify and sort by shape

2. Classify, sort and count

3. Count shapes in a Venn diagram

4. Sort shapes into a Venn diagram,….etc)

3rd Week(August)

1 Time

(1. Match digital clocks and times I

2. Match digital clocks and times II)

1 Time

(1. Match digital clocks and times I

2. Match digital clocks and times II

3. Match analogue clocks and times I

4. Match analogue clocks and times II)

1 Time

(1. Match digital clocks and times I

2. Match digital clocks and times II

3. Match analogue clocks and times I

4. Match analogue clocks and times II

5. Match analogue and digital clocks I

6. Match analogue and digital clocks II)

1 Time

(1. Match digital clocks and times I

2. Match digital clocks and times II

3. Match analogue clocks and times I

4. Match analogue clocks and times II

5. Match analogue and digital clocks I

6. Match analogue and digital clocks II

7. Read clocks and write times I

8. Read clocks and write times II,….etc)

4th Week(August)





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