Lesson Plan

Math Lesson Plan for Grade 3


For Autumn (September, October, November)

For September

Grade – 3

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(Sept)

1 Numbers and comparing

(1. Even or odd

2. Even or odd: addition patterns)

2 Place values

(1. Place value models up to thousands

2. Place value names up to thousands)

1 Numbers and comparing

(1. Even or odd

2. Even or odd: addition patterns

3. Even or odd: multiplication patterns

4. Skip-counting)

2 Place values

(1. Place value models up to thousands

2. Place value names up to thousands

3. Place value names up to hundred thousands

4. Value of a digit)

1 Numbers and comparing

(1. Even or odd

2. Even or odd: addition patterns

3. Even or odd: multiplication patterns

4. Skip-counting

5. Skip-counting puzzles

6. Number sequences)

2 Place values

(1. Place value models up to thousands

2. Place value names up to thousands

3. Place value names up to hundred thousands

4. Value of a digit

5. Convert to/from a number

6. Convert between place values)

1 Numbers and comparing

(1. Even or odd

2. Even or odd: addition patterns

3. Even or odd: multiplication patterns

4. Skip-counting

5. Skip-counting puzzles

6. Number sequences

7. Write numbers in words

8. Roman numerals I, V, X, L, C, D, M,….etc)

2 Place values

(1. Place value models up to thousands

2. Place value names up to thousands

3. Place value names up to hundred thousands

4. Value of a digit

5. Convert to/from a number

6. Convert between place values

7. Convert from expanded form

8. Convert between standard and expanded form,…etc)

2nd Week(Sept)

1 Addition

(1. Add two numbers up to three digits

2. Addition input/output tables: up to three digits)

1 Addition

(1. Add two numbers up to three digits

2. Addition input/output tables: up to three digits

3. Add two numbers up to three digits: word problems

4. Complete the addition sentence: up to three digits)

1 Addition

(1. Add two numbers up to three digits

2. Addition input/output tables: up to three digits

3. Add two numbers up to three digits: word problems

4. Complete the addition sentence: up to three digits

5. Balance addition equations: up to three digits

6. Use compensation to add: up to three digits)

1 Addition

(1. Add two numbers up to three digits

2. Addition input/output tables: up to three digits

3. Add two numbers up to three digits: word problems

4. Complete the addition sentence: up to three digits

5. Balance addition equations: up to three digits

6. Use compensation to add: up to three digits

7. Add three numbers up to three digits each

8. Add three numbers up to three digits each: word problems


3rd Week(Sept)

1 Subtraction

(1. Subtract numbers up to three digits

2. Subtraction input/output tables: up to three digits)

1 Subtraction

(1. Subtract numbers up to three digits

2. Subtraction input/output tables: up to three digits

3. Subtract numbers up to three digits: word problems

4. Subtract across zeros)

1 Subtraction

(1. Subtract numbers up to three digits

2. Subtraction input/output tables: up to three digits

3. Subtract numbers up to three digits: word problems

4. Subtract across zeros

5. Complete the subtraction sentence: up to three digits

6. Balance subtraction equations: up to three digits)

1 Subtraction

(1. Subtract numbers up to three digits

2. Subtraction input/output tables: up to three digits

3. Subtract numbers up to three digits: word problems

4. Subtract across zeros

5. Complete the subtraction sentence: up to three digits

6. Balance subtraction equations: up to three digits

7. Use compensation to subtract: up to three digits

8. Subtraction patterns over increasing place values,……etc)

4th Week(Sept) Test Test Test Test
For October

Grade – 3

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(Oct)

1 Understand multiplication

(1. Count equal groups

2. Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups)

1 Understand multiplication

(1. Count equal groups

2. Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

3. Write multiplication sentences for equal groups

4. Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups)

1 Understand multiplication

(1. Count equal groups

2. Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

3. Write multiplication sentences for equal groups

4. Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups

5. Identify multiplication expressions for arrays

6. Write multiplication sentences for arrays)

1 Understand multiplication

(1. Count equal groups

2. Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups

3. Write multiplication sentences for equal groups

4. Relate addition and multiplication for equal groups

5. Identify multiplication expressions for arrays

6. Write multiplication sentences for arrays

7. Write two multiplication sentences for an array

8. Make arrays to model multiplication,..etc)

2nd Week(Oct)

1 Multiplication skill builders

(1. Multiply by 0

2. Multiply by 1

3. Multiply by 2)

1 Multiplication skill builders

(1. Multiply by 0

2. Multiply by 1

3. Multiply by 2

4. Multiply by 3

5. Multiply by 4

6. Multiply by 5)

1 Multiplication skill builders

(1. Multiply by 0

2. Multiply by 1

3. Multiply by 2

4. Multiply by 3

5. Multiply by 4

6. Multiply by 5

7. Multiply by 6

8. Multiply by 7

9. Multiply by 8

10. Multiply by 9)

1 Multiplication skill builders

(1. Multiply by 0

2. Multiply by 1

3. Multiply by 2

4. Multiply by 3

5. Multiply by 4

6. Multiply by 5

7. Multiply by 6

8. Multiply by 7

9. Multiply by 8

10. Multiply by 9)

11. Multiply by 10

12. Multiply by 11,…..etc)

3rd Week(Oct)

1 Multiplication fluency

(1. Multiplication tables for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10

2. Multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: true or false?)

1 Multiplication fluency

(1. Multiplication tables for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10

2. Multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: true or false?

3. Multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: sorting

4. Multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: find the missing factor)

1 Multiplication fluency

(1. Multiplication tables for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10

2. Multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: true or false?

3. Multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: sorting

4. Multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: find the missing factor

5. Multiplication tables for 6, 7, 8, and 9

6. Multiplication facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9: true or false?)

1 Multiplication fluency

(1. Multiplication tables for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10

2. Multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: true or false?

3. Multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: sorting

4. Multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: find the missing factor

5. Multiplication tables for 6, 7, 8, and 9

6. Multiplication facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9: true or false?


Multiplication facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9: sorting

8. Multiplication facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9: find the missing factor,……etc)

4th Week(Oct) Test Test Test Test
For November

Grade – 3

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(Nov)

1 Multiplication

(1. Multiply by a multiple of ten using place value

2. Multiply by a multiple of ten)

1 Multiplication

(1. Multiply by a multiple of ten using place value

2. Multiply by a multiple of ten

3. Multiplication patterns over increasing place values

4. Multiply numbers ending in zeroes)

1 Multiplication

(1. Multiply by a multiple of ten using place value

2. Multiply by a multiple of ten

3. Multiplication patterns over increasing place values

4. Multiply numbers ending in zeroes

5. Multiplication input/output tables

6. Multiplication input/output tables: find the rule)

1 Multiplication

(1. Multiply by a multiple of ten using place value

2. Multiply by a multiple of ten

3. Multiplication patterns over increasing place values

4. Multiply numbers ending in zeroes

5. Multiplication input/output tables

6. Multiplication input/output tables: find the rule)

7. Multiplication word problems

8. Multiplication word problems: find the missing factor,……. etc)

2nd Week(Nov)

1 Understand division

(1. Divide by counting equal groups)

1 Understand division

(1. Divide by counting equal groups

2. Write division sentences for groups)

1 Understand division

(1. Divide by counting equal groups

2. Write division sentences for groups

3. Relate multiplication and division for groups)

1 Understand division

(1. Divide by counting equal groups

2. Write division sentences for groups

3. Relate multiplication and division for groups

4. Write division sentences for arrays,…..etc)

3rd Week(Nov)

1 Division skill builders

(1. Divide by 0

2. Divide by 1

3. Divide by 2)

1 Division skill builders

(1. Divide by 0

2. Divide by 1

3. Divide by 2

4. Divide by 3

5. Divide by 4

6. Divide by 5)

1 Division skill builders

(1. Divide by 0

2. Divide by 1

3. Divide by 2

4. Divide by 3

5. Divide by 4

6. Divide by 5

7. Divide by 6

8. Divide by 7

9. Divide by 8)

1 Division skill builders

(1. Divide by 0

2. Divide by 1

3. Divide by 2

4. Divide by 3

5. Divide by 4

6. Divide by 5

7. Divide by 6

8. Divide by 7

9. Divide by 8

10. Divide by 9

11. Divide by 10

12. Divide by 12,…..etc)

4th Week(Nov) Test Test Test Test

For Spring (March, April,May)

For March

Grade – 3

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(March)

1 Division fluency

(1. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10

2. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: true or false?)

2. Division

(1. Division patterns over increasing place values

2. Divide numbers ending in zeroes)

1 Division fluency

(1. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10

2. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: true or false?

3. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: sorting

4. Division facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9)

2. Division

(1. Division patterns over increasing place values

2. Divide numbers ending in zeroes

3. Division input/output tables

4. Division input/output tables: find the rule)

1 Division fluency

(1. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10

2. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: true or false?

3. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: sorting

4. Division facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9

5. Division facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9: true or false?

6. Division facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9: sorting)

2. Division

(1. Division patterns over increasing place values

2. Divide numbers ending in zeroes

3. Division input/output tables

4. Division input/output tables: find the rule

5. Division word problems

6. Divide three-digit numbers)

1 Division fluency

(1. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10

2. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: true or false?

3. Division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10: sorting

4. Division facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9

5. Division facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9: true or false?

6. Division facts for 6, 7, 8, and 9: sorting

7. Division facts up to 10

8. Division facts up to 10: true or false?,…etc)

2. Division

(1. Division patterns over increasing place values

2. Divide numbers ending in zeroes

3. Division input/output tables

4. Division input/output tables: find the rule

5. Division word problems

6. Divide three-digit numbers

7. Divide three-digit numbers: word problems

8. Divide larger numbers,…etc)

2nd Week(March)

1 Mixed operations

(1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts

2. Complete the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division sentence)

1 Mixed operations

(1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts

2. Complete the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division sentence

3. Multiplication and division facts up to 5: true or false?

4. Multiplication and division facts up to 10)

1 Mixed operations

(1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts

2. Complete the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division sentence

3. Multiplication and division facts up to 5: true or false?

4. Multiplication and division facts up to 10

5. Multiplication and division facts up to 10: true or false?

6. Multiplication and division facts up to 12: true or false?)

1 Mixed operations

(1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts

2. Complete the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division sentence

3. Multiplication and division facts up to 5: true or false?

4. Multiplication and division facts up to 10

5. Multiplication and division facts up to 10: true or false?

6. Multiplication and division facts up to 12: true or false?

7. Multiplication and division sentences up to 12: true or false?

8. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide


3rd Week(March)

1 Properties

(1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division terms

2. Understanding parentheses)

1 Properties

(1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division terms

2. Understanding parentheses

3. Properties of addition

4. Complete the equation using properties of addition)

1 Properties

(1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division terms

2. Understanding parentheses

3. Properties of addition

4. Complete the equation using properties of addition

5. Add using properties

6. Properties of multiplication)

1 Properties

(1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division terms

2. Understanding parentheses

3. Properties of addition

4. Complete the equation using properties of addition

5. Add using properties

6. Properties of multiplication

7. Distributive property: find the missing factor

8. Multiply using the distributive property


4th Week(March) Test Test Test Test
For April

Grade – 3

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(April)

1 Equations and variables

(1. Identify equations)

1 Equations and variables

(1. Identify equations

2. Solve for the variable: addition and subtraction only)

1 Equations and variables

(1. Identify equations

2. Solve for the variable: addition and subtraction only)

3. Solve for the variable: multiplication and division only)

1 Equations and variables

(1. Identify equations

2. Solve for the variable: addition and subtraction only)

3. Solve for the variable: multiplication and division only

4. Solve for the variable


2nd Week(April)

1 Estimation and rounding 

(1. Solve for the variable

2. Round to the nearest ten or hundred)

1 Estimation and rounding 

(1. Solve for the variable

2. Round to the nearest ten or hundred

3. Round to the nearest ten or hundred in a table

4. Round to the greatest place value)

1 Estimation and rounding  

(1. Solve for the variable

2. Round to the nearest ten or hundred

3. Round to the nearest ten or hundred in a table

4. Round to the greatest place value

5. Round money amounts to the nearest dollar

6. Rounding puzzles)

1 Estimation and rounding  

(1. Solve for the variable

2. Round to the nearest ten or hundred

3. Round to the nearest ten or hundred in a table

4. Round to the greatest place value

5. Round money amounts to the nearest dollar

6. Rounding puzzles

7. Estimate sums by rounding: up to 1,000

8. Estimate sums by rounding: up to 1,000,000,….etc)

3rd Week(April)

1 Logical reasoning

(1. Guess the number)

1 Logical reasoning

(1. Guess the number

2. Make the largest or smallest number possible)

1 Logical reasoning

(1. Guess the number

2. Make the largest or smallest number possible

3. Find the order)

1 Logical reasoning

(1. Guess the number

2. Make the largest or smallest number possible

3. Find the order)

4. Age puzzles,…..etc)

4th Week(April) Test Test Test Test
For May

Grade – 3

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(May)

1 Patterns

(1. Repeating patterns)

1 Patterns

(1. Repeating patterns

2. Growing patterns)

1 Patterns

(1. Repeating patterns

2. Growing patterns

3. Find the next shape in a pattern)

1 Patterns

(1. Repeating patterns

2. Growing patterns

3. Find the next shape in a pattern)

4. Complete a repeating pattern,….etc)

2nd Week(May)

1 Money 

(1. Count coins and bills – up to $5 bill

2. Count coins and bills word problems – up to $5 bill)

1 Money 

(1. Count coins and bills – up to $5 bill

2. Count coins and bills word problems – up to $5 bill

3. Purchases – do you have enough money – up to $10

4. Which picture shows more?)

1 Money 

(1. Count coins and bills – up to $5 bill

2. Count coins and bills word problems – up to $5 bill

3. Purchases – do you have enough money – up to $10

4. Which picture shows more?

5. Correct amount of change

6. Making change)

1 Money 

(1. Count coins and bills – up to $5 bill

2. Count coins and bills word problems – up to $5 bill

3. Purchases – do you have enough money – up to $10

4. Which picture shows more?

5. Correct amount of change

6. Making change

7. Inequalities with money

8. Put money amounts in order,….etc)

3rd Week(May)

1 Time

(1.Match clocks and times

2. Match analog and digital clocks)

1 Time

(1.Match clocks and times

2. Match analog and digital clocks

3. Read clocks and write times

4. A.M. or P.M.)

1 Time

(1.Match clocks and times

2. Match analog and digital clocks

3. Read clocks and write times

4. A.M. or P.M.

5. Write times

6. Elapsed time: find the end time)

1 Time

(1.Match clocks and times

2. Match analog and digital clocks

3. Read clocks and write times

4. A.M. or P.M.

5. Write times

6. Elapsed time: find the end time

7. Find the elapsed time

8. Elapsed time word problems: find the end time,…..etc)

4th Week(May) Test Test Test Test

For Summer (June,July,August)

For June

Grade – 3

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(June)

1 Data, graphs, and probability

(1. Objects on a coordinate plane

2. Coordinate planes as maps)

1 Data, graphs, and probability

(1. Objects on a coordinate plane

2. Coordinate planes as maps

3. Graph points on a coordinate plane

4. Interpret tally charts)

1 Data, graphs, and probability

(1. Objects on a coordinate plane

2. Coordinate planes as maps

3. Graph points on a coordinate plane

4. Interpret tally charts

5. Read a table

6. Interpret bar graphs)

1 Data, graphs, and probability

(1. Objects on a coordinate plane

2. Coordinate planes as maps

3. Graph points on a coordinate plane

4. Interpret tally charts

5. Read a table

6. Interpret bar graphs

7. Use bar graphs to solve problems

8. Create bar graphs,….etc)

2nd Week(June)

1 Understand fractions  

(1. Identify equal parts

2. Make halves, thirds, and fourths)

2 Equivalent fractions

(1. Find equivalent fractions using area models: two models

2. Find equivalent fractions using area models: one model)

1 Understand fractions  

(1. Identify equal parts

2. Make halves, thirds, and fourths

3. Make sixths and eighths

4. Make halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and eighths)

2 Equivalent fractions

(2. Find equivalent fractions using area models: two models

2. Find equivalent fractions using area models: one model

3. Identify equivalent fractions on number lines

4. Find equivalent fractions using number lines)

1 Understand fractions  

(1. Identify equal parts

2. Make halves, thirds, and fourths

3. Make sixths and eighths

4. Make halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and eighths

5. Understand fractions: fraction bars

6. Understand fractions: area models)

2 Equivalent fractions

(1. Find equivalent fractions using area models: two models

2. Find equivalent fractions using area models: one model

3. Identify equivalent fractions on number lines

4. Find equivalent fractions using number lines

5. Graph equivalent fractions on number lines

6. Identify equivalent fractions)

1 Understand fractions   

(1. Identify equal parts

2. Make halves, thirds, and fourths

3. Make sixths and eighths

4. Make halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and eighths

5. Understand fractions: fraction bars

6. Understand fractions: area models

7. Show fractions: fraction bars

8. Show fractions: area models,….etc)

2 Equivalent fractions

(1. Find equivalent fractions using area models: two models

2. Find equivalent fractions using area models: one model

3. Identify equivalent fractions on number lines

4. Find equivalent fractions using number lines

5. Graph equivalent fractions on number lines

6. Identify equivalent fractions)

7. Find equivalent fractions

8. Graph fractions equivalent to 1 on number lines,…..etc)

3rd Week(June)

1 Compare fractions

(1. Compare fractions with like denominators using models

2. Compare fractions with like numerators using models)

1 Compare fractions

(1. Compare fractions with like denominators using models

2. Compare fractions with like numerators using models

3. Compare fractions using models

4. Compare fractions using number lines)

1 Compare fractions

(1. Compare fractions with like denominators using models

2. Compare fractions with like numerators using models

3. Compare fractions using models

4. Compare fractions using number lines

5. Graph and compare fractions with like denominators on number lines

6. Graph and compare fractions with like numerators on number lines)

1 Compare fractions

(1. Compare fractions with like denominators using models

2. Compare fractions with like numerators using models

3. Compare fractions using models

4. Compare fractions using number lines

5. Graph and compare fractions with like denominators on number lines

6. Graph and compare fractions with like numerators on number lines

7. Graph and compare fractions on number lines

8. Compare fractions with like denominators,…etc)

4th Week(June) Test Test Test Test
For July

Grade – 3

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(July)

1 Operations with fractions

(1. Fractions of a number – unit fraction

2. Fractions of a number)

1 Operations with fractions

(1. Fractions of a number – unit fraction

2. Fractions of a number

3. Fractions of a number – unit fractions: word problems

4. Fractions of a number: word problems)

1 Operations with fractions

(1. Fractions of a number – unit fraction

2. Fractions of a number

3. Fractions of a number – unit fractions: word problems

4. Fractions of a number: word problems

5. Decompose fractions into unit fractions

6. Add fractions with like denominators using number lines)

1 Operations with fractions

(1. Fractions of a number – unit fraction

2. Fractions of a number

3. Fractions of a number – unit fractions: word problems

4. Fractions of a number: word problems

5. Decompose fractions into unit fractions

6. Add fractions with like denominators using number lines

7. Subtract fractions with like denominators using number lines

8. Add and subtract fractions with like denominators,…etc)

2nd Week(July)

1 Units of measurement

(1. Read a thermometer

2. Reasonable temperature)

1 Units of measurement

(1. Read a thermometer

2. Reasonable temperature

3. Measure using an inch ruler

4. Measurement word problems)

1 Units of measurement

(1. Read a thermometer

2. Reasonable temperature

3. Measure using an inch ruler

4. Measurement word problems

5. Which customary unit of length is appropriate?

6. Which customary unit of weight is appropriate?)

1 Units of measurement

(1. Read a thermometer

2. Reasonable temperature

3. Measure using an inch ruler

4. Measurement word problems

5. Which customary unit of length is appropriate?

6. Which customary unit of weight is appropriate?

7. Which customary unit of volume is appropriate?

8. Which customary unit is appropriate?,….etc)

3rd Week(July)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Identify two-dimensional shapes

2. Count and compare sides and vertices)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Identify two-dimensional shapes

2. Count and compare sides and vertices

3. Open and closed shapes

4. Is it a polygon?)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Identify two-dimensional shapes

2. Count and compare sides and vertices

3. Open and closed shapes

4. Is it a polygon?

5. Lines, line segments, and rays

6. Angles greater than, less than, or equal to a right angle)

1 Two-dimensional shapes

(1. Identify two-dimensional shapes

2. Count and compare sides and vertices

3. Open and closed shapes

4. Is it a polygon?

5. Lines, line segments, and rays

6. Angles greater than, less than, or equal to a right angle

7. Parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines

8. Reflection, rotation, and translation,…etc)

4th Week(July) Test Test Test Test
For August

Grade – 3

1 Day/Week

2 Day/Week

3 Day/Week

5 Day/Week

1st Week(August)

1 Triangles and quadrilaterals

(1. Acute, obtuse, and right triangles

2. Scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles)

1 Triangles and quadrilaterals

(1. Acute, obtuse, and right triangles

2. Scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles

3. Parallel sides in quadrilaterals

4. Identify parallelograms)

1 Triangles and quadrilaterals

(1. Acute, obtuse, and right triangles

2. Scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles

3. Parallel sides in quadrilaterals

4. Identify parallelograms

5. Identify trapezoids

6. Identify rectangles)

1 Triangles and quadrilaterals

(1. Acute, obtuse, and right triangles

2. Scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles

3. Parallel sides in quadrilaterals

4. Identify parallelograms

5. Identify trapezoids

6. Identify rectangles

7. Identify rhombuses

8. Classify quadrilaterals,….etc)

2nd Week(August)

1 Three-dimensional shapes

(1. Identify three-dimensional shapes)

1 Three-dimensional shapes

(1. Identify three-dimensional shapes

2. Count vertices, edges, and faces)

1 Three-dimensional shapes

(1. Identify three-dimensional shapes

2. Count vertices, edges, and faces

3. Identify faces of three-dimensional shapes)

1 Three-dimensional shapes

(1. Identify three-dimensional shapes

2. Count vertices, edges, and faces

3. Identify faces of three-dimensional shapes

4. Shapes of everyday objects I,….etc)

3rd Week(August)

1  Geometric measurement

(1. Perimeter of rectangles

2. Perimeter of quadrilaterals)

1  Geometric measurement

(1. Perimeter of rectangles

2. Perimeter of quadrilaterals

3. Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

4. Perimeter of polygons)

1  Geometric measurement

(1. Perimeter of rectangles

2. Perimeter of quadrilaterals

3. Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

4. Perimeter of polygons

5. Perimeter: find the missing side length

6. Perimeter: word problems)

1  Geometric measurement

(1. Perimeter of rectangles

2. Perimeter of quadrilaterals

3. Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

4. Perimeter of polygons

5. Perimeter: find the missing side length

6. Perimeter: word problems

7. Find the area of figures made of unit squares

8. Select figures with a given area,….etc)

4th Week(August) Test Test Test Test

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